A 65 year old male with CKD

This is an online E log to discuss our patients de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patients-centered  online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

8th sem
Roll no.43

A 65 yr old male ,resident of gurijala, farmer by occupation came to the hospital for maintenance dailysis 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 years back then he noticed yellowish discolouration over sclera and urine and decreased urine output .So a he went to a hospital.Investigations are done and  diagnosed as Jaundice.

At the same time he also diagnosed as right kidney damage .so that 3 episodes of dialysis was done in a week.

For the next 10 years he was normal.

After 10 years he went for a normal check up and he diagnosed with diabetes and Hypertension.From then he is on medications.
For 8 years he is on oral diabetic drugs.And from  2 years he is on insulin.( Human Actrapid insulin along with Lantus )

2 months back he came to the hospital with decreased urine output and pus the urine, SOB , back pain . For which he came to know that there is left kidney failure. From then he is on dialysis twice a week. Till now 13 episodes are done.

3 days back there is decreased urine output, back pain for which he came to the hospital.

Known case of Diabetes and Hypertension since 10 years

Routine history :He wakes up at 6 am in the morning and eats breakfast at around 9 am and works as shopkeeper and then lunch at 1pm takes a nap in the afternoon. Drinks tea in the evng and chapathi as dinner at 8 pm. Sleeps at 10 pm.

  Diet : Mixed
  Appetite: Good
  Bowel and bladder movements: Regular
  Sleep : Adequate
  Addictions : Consumption of alcohol since 40 years and   stopped 15 years back 
   No smoking.

      Patient was conscious, cooperative and coherent.Moderetly built and nourished.Well oriented to time, place and person.

No icterus 
No Cyanosis
No clubbing 
No generalized lymphadenopathy
 Pedal edema present (pitting type)

Temperature ;  afebrile
Spo2; 100 at room temperature
BP; 130/80 mm Hg


Cardiovascular system- 
     s1 and S2 are heard ,no murmurs are heard

Respiratory system:
    trachea central, 
    all quadrants of chest moves equally with respiration.
    Breath sounds- bilateral normal
    Vesicular breath sounds are heard.

Central nervous system- 
     Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative
     Speech was normal.
     No slurred speech.

Abdominal system:

       On inspection abdomen is flat, symetrical,and slightly distended.
   Umbilcus is centre and inverted
   No scars,engorged veins are seen.
   All 9 regions of abdomen are equally moving with respiration.

      On palpation abdomen is soft and non tender
.On bimanual examination of kidney is not palpable.All inspectory findings are confirmed.

Percussion:no shifting dullness, no fluid thrills
Auscultation:normal bowel sounds are heard


Provisional diagnosis :: CKD

Salt restriction less than 2.4 gm /day
Fluid restriction less than 1 litre/day
Tab Nodosis po/Bd
Tab shelcal po/Bd
Orofer XT po/bd
Tab Lasix po/Bd
Tab biop3 weekly once.


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